Week 11: Final Major Project launch! & Business Planning lecture

The Final Major Project unit launched on Monday, however I was unaware that my group would be given set options to choose from for our designs, as other groups within my class were given free reign with their final project ideas. My initial ideas of creating a community/visitor centre within Southampton could not be realised with this brief, however, one option (Norman House, Christchurch) asked for the design of a summer pavilion, with the aim of showcasing Christchurch, this will be based within the grounds of an old castle, however, I will still be able to design performance spaces and informal learning environments which I initially thought about.

This week I spent researching initial information about Christchurch & the Norman House site. I started to uncover the strong historical background of the small town, and some initial ideas were flowing for the project!


Friday included a talk by David Wakeford on Business Planning, which assisted with considering the basics when it comes to starting my own business within the design field.

After studying Business in school and for two years in college, I was already aware of some terms and methods of business planning. However, when it came to the mini test he gave us, I was shocked at how much I’d actually forgot. It was very helpful to refresh my knowledge and David’s talk was great in creating an understanding of what will need to be considered if I want to start my own business.


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